Keywords: Calcium imaging, fluorescence, two-photon microscopy, time-series, sleep
Project partner: Prof. Dr. Anissa Kempf & Diana Shevchuk, The Center for Molecular Life Sciences (Biozentrum) of the University of Basel
CeDA collaborator: Rodrigo C. G. Pena
Repository: sleepy-fly-brains
Explore how sleep deprivation affects the firing patterns of neurons in the brain of fruit flies. The project's dataset consists of two-photon calcium fluorescence traces of rested and sleep-deprived flies. The flies are held in place during the recording, but otherwise left to behave freely.
Figure 1. View of a data sample from collection of neurons of a sleep-deprived fly. The plot was made with Cascade software. The blue curves represent baseline-corrected, two-photon calcium fluorescence traces. Orange curves represent local probability densities for the presence of a spike (or calcium event), as estimated by a Cascade model. Black markings below the orange curves are binary decisions on the presence of a calcium event, based on the probability density kernels.ΒΆ